geodist - Fast, Dependency-Free Geodesic Distance Calculations
Dependency-free, ultra fast calculation of geodesic distances. Includes the reference nanometre-accuracy geodesic distances of Karney (2013) <doi:10.1007/s00190-012-0578-z>, as used by the 'sf' package, as well as Haversine and Vincenty distances. Default distance measure is the "Mapbox cheap ruler" which is generally more accurate than Haversine or Vincenty for distances out to a few hundred kilometres, and is considerably faster. The main function accepts one or two inputs in almost any generic rectangular form, and returns either matrices of pairwise distances, or vectors of sequential distances.
Last updated 29 days ago
11.22 score 95 stars 32 dependents 212 scripts 2.8k downloadsPROJ - Generic Coordinate System Transformations Using 'PROJ'
A wrapper around the generic coordinate transformation software 'PROJ' that transforms coordinates from one coordinate reference system ('CRS') to another. This includes cartographic projections as well as geodetic transformations. The intention is for this package to be used by user-packages such as 'reproj', and that the older 'PROJ.4' and version 5 pathways be provided by the 'proj4' package.
Last updated 7 months ago
10.94 score 16 stars 26 dependents 87 scripts 8.0k downloadsvapour - Access to the 'Geospatial Data Abstraction Library' ('GDAL')
Provides low-level access to 'GDAL' functionality. 'GDAL' is the 'Geospatial Data Abstraction Library' a translator for raster and vector geospatial data formats that presents a single raster abstract data model and single vector abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats <>. This package is focussed on providing exactly and only what GDAL does, to enable developing further tools.
Last updated 6 months ago
9.49 score 85 stars 5 dependents 60 scripts 601 downloadsncmeta - Straightforward 'NetCDF' Metadata
Extract metadata from 'NetCDF' data sources, these can be files, file handles or servers. This package leverages and extends the lower level functions of the 'RNetCDF' package providing a consistent set of functions that all return data frames. We introduce named concepts of 'grid', 'axis' and 'source' which are all meaningful entities without formal definition in the 'NetCDF' library <>. 'RNetCDF' matches the library itself with only the named concepts of 'variables', 'dimensions' and 'attributes'.
Last updated 2 months ago
7.93 score 11 stars 11 dependents 117 scripts 2.2k downloadsdecido - Bindings for 'Mapbox' Ear Cutting Triangulation Library
Provides constrained triangulation of polygons. Ear cutting (or ear clipping) applies constrained triangulation by successively 'cutting' triangles from a polygon defined by path/s. Holes are supported by introducing a bridge segment between polygon paths. This package wraps the 'header-only' library 'earcut.hpp' <> which includes a reference to the method used by Held, M. (2001) <doi:10.1007/s00453-001-0028-4>.
Last updated 3 months ago
7.56 score 15 stars 19 dependents 18 scripts 2.4k downloadssilicate - Common Forms for Complex Hierarchical and Relational Data Structures
Generate common data forms for complex data suitable for conversions and transmission by decomposition as paths or primitives. Paths are sequentially-linked records, primitives are basic atomic elements and both can model many forms and be grouped into hierarchical structures. The universal models 'SC0' (structural) and 'SC' (labelled, relational) are composed of edges and can represent any hierarchical form. Specialist models 'PATH', 'ARC' and 'TRI' provide the most common intermediate forms used for converting from one form to another. The methods are inspired by the simplicial complex <> and provide intermediate forms that relate spatial data structures to this mathematical construct.
Last updated 12 months ago
7.28 score 54 stars 7 dependents 111 scripts 293 downloadsceramic - Download Online Imagery Tiles
Download imagery tiles to a standard cache and load the data into raster objects. Facilities for 'AWS' terrain <> terrain and 'Mapbox' <> servers are provided.
Last updated 10 months ago
7.05 score 92 stars 121 scripts 236 downloadstabularaster - Tidy Tools for 'Raster' Data
Facilities to work with vector and raster data in efficient repeatable and systematic work flow. Missing functionality in existing packages is included here to allow extraction from raster data with 'simple features' and 'Spatial' types and to make extraction consistent and straightforward. Extract cell numbers from raster data and return the cells as a data frame rather than as lists of matrices or vectors. The functions here allow spatial data to be used without special handling for the format currently in use.
Last updated 12 months ago
6.80 score 49 stars 64 scripts 390 downloadsgraticule - Meridional and Parallel Lines for Maps
Create graticule lines and labels for maps. Control the creation of lines or tiles by setting their placement (at particular meridians and parallels) and extent (along parallels and meridians). Labels are created independently of lines.
Last updated 12 months ago
5.94 score 18 stars 97 scripts 303 downloadslazysf - Delayed Read for 'GDAL' Vector Data Sources
Lazy read for drawings. A 'dplyr' back end for data sources supported by 'GDAL' vector drivers, that allows working with local or remote sources as if they are in-memory data frames. Basic features works with any drawing format ('GDAL vector data source') supported by the 'sf' package.
Last updated 12 months ago
5.04 score 22 stars 10 scripts 131 downloadsarea - Calculate Area of Triangles and Polygons
Calculate the area of triangles and polygons using the shoelace formula. Area may be signed, taking into account path orientation, or unsigned, ignoring path orientation. The shoelace formula is described at <>.
Last updated 11 months ago
3.78 score 12 stars 6 scripts 205 downloadstextures - Plot 3D Textures as 2D Graphics (Kinda)
Illustrate the use of texture mapping in rgl for depicting images in graphics or spatial coordinate systems, and mapped onto arbitrary shapes.
Last updated 2 years ago
3.78 score 12 stars 8 scriptsguerrilla - Illustrate Various Methods of Interpolation for Irregular Data
Examples of interpolating irregular data, to illustrate the mechanics of various methods and some easy tools to run them.
Last updated 12 months ago
3.48 score 15 stars 4 scriptstissot - The Tissot Indicatrix
Create and plot the Tissot Indicatrix.
Last updated 12 months ago
3.23 score 17 stars 4 scriptsquad - Intermediate Forms of Raster Grids
Raster grids and quads as first class types with helpers. Provides a low level API for generating mesh index and vertices from the simplest abstraction of raster grid, input dimension and (optionally) extent to generate components of meshes for downstream visualization and efficient coordinate transformation. API functions may be 'Linked To' in the R headers library way.
Last updated 12 months ago
3.08 score 1 stars 1 dependents 4 scripts 11 downloadsggdal - GDAL Rendering for 'ggplot2'
A 'ggplot2' extension that enables image data from GDAL data sources (DSN).
Last updated 1 years ago
2.93 score 17 stars 2 scriptscontrolledburn - Rasterize Index
Rasterize without materializing any pixel values. Rasterization of polygons starts with classifying pixels by polygon, and in terms of scanline algorithms this is natively stored very efficiently as an index of start and stops of edges by scanline. We produce these intermediate structures, so they can be used as an efficient format of polygon rasterization, or for the complement of this, data extraction from materialized rasters. This package was derived from 'fasterize', removing Armadillo and the raster package.
Last updated 12 months ago
2.90 score 8 stars 2 scriptsgrout - Create Raster Tiles
Create raster tiles abstractly.
Last updated 5 months ago
2.70 score 5 stars 3 scriptsL3bin - Integerized Sinusoidal Binning Scheme for Level 3 Data
The NASA Ocean Biology processing Group L3 bin scheme, based on the sinusoidal map projection. Psuedo code for the binning scheme was published in Appendix A of NASA Technical Memorandum 104566, Vol. 32., listed in URL.
Last updated 3 days ago
2.60 score 4 stars 2 scriptspolymer - Flexible and Intuitive Overlay Methods
General intersections via a triangle pool from disparate polygon inputs. Overlap is determined via finite-element decomposition of all component edges in all inputs into triangles. Then triangles instances are classified (by point-in-polygon lookup) by objects within layers.
Last updated 12 months ago
2.54 score 7 stars 3 scriptsearthcircle - Create Those Geographic Circles
Create geographic circles, note this is not the Tissot Inidicatrix see hypertidy/tissot for that.
Last updated 1 years ago
1.70 score 1 stars 2 scriptsquadmesh - Quadrangle Mesh
Create surface forms from matrix or 'raster' data for flexible plotting and conversion to other mesh types. The functions 'quadmesh' or 'triangmesh' produce a continuous surface as a 'mesh3d' object as used by the 'rgl' package. This is used for plotting raster data in 3D (optionally with texture), and allows the application of a map projection without data loss and many processing applications that are restricted by inflexible regular grid rasters. There are discrete forms of these continuous surfaces available with 'dquadmesh' and 'dtriangmesh' functions.
Last updated 2 years ago
6.60 score 25 stars 1 dependents 53 scripts 237 downloadscrsmeta - Extract Coordinate System Metadata
Obtain coordinate system metadata from various data formats. There are functions to extract a 'CRS' (coordinate reference system, <>) in 'EPSG' (European Petroleum Survey Group, <>), 'PROJ4' <>, or 'WKT2' (Well-Known Text 2, <>) forms. This is purely for getting simple metadata from in-memory formats, please use other tools for out of memory data sources.
Last updated 5 years ago
6.22 score 5 stars 34 dependents 3 scripts 6.5k downloadsncdump - Extract Metadata from 'NetCDF' Files as Data Frames
Tools for handling 'NetCDF' metadata in data frames. The metadata is provided as relations in tabular form, to avoid having to scan printed header output or to navigate nested lists of raw metadata.
Last updated 7 years ago
5.36 score 3 stars 38 scripts 196 downloadsunjoin - Separate a Data Frame by Normalization
Separate a data frame in two based on key columns. The function unjoin() provides an inside-out version of a nested data frame. This is used to identify duplication and normalize it (in the database sense) by linking two tables with the redundancy removed. This is a basic requirement for detecting topology within spatial structures that has motivated the need for this package as a building block for workflows within more applied projects.
Last updated 5 years ago
5.16 score 12 stars 8 dependents 4 scripts 232 downloadslazyraster - Generate Raster Data Lazily from 'GDAL'
Read raster data at a specified resolution on-demand via 'GDAL' (the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library <>). Augments the 'raster' package by never reading data from a raster source until necessary for generating an in-memory 'raster' object. A 'lazyraster' object may be cropped and converted to 'raster' object, and by default will only read a small amount of data sufficient for an overall summary. The amount of data read can be controlled by specifying the output dimensions.
Last updated 3 years ago
3.45 score 27 stars 21 scripts 56 downloadsffraster - Native Raster Files
Provides a loose couplings between the facilities of `raster` and `ff`, to allow a file-backed raster grid to be modified as if it were an array in memory.
Last updated 6 years ago
3.40 score 5 stars 9 scriptsclipper - Another Port of Angus Johnson's 'clipper' Polygon Clipping Library
Another Port of Angus Johnson's 'clipper' Polygon Clipping Library.
Last updated 6 years ago
3.28 score 2 stars 19 scriptsscgraph - Common Forms for Graph Structures
Provides support for the 'silicate' common form data structure for igraph.
Last updated 6 years ago
2.54 score 7 stars 10 scriptszarrr - What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
What the package does (one paragraph).
Last updated 2 years ago
2.40 score 5 stars 4 scriptsgdalwebsrv - GDAL Imagery Services 'GDAL_WMS' (Web Map Services)
Provide imagery services via GDAL's Web Map Services. <>
Last updated 3 years ago
2.30 score 4 stars 1 scriptsncapi - What the Package Does (one line, title case)
What the package does (one paragraph).
Last updated 3 years ago
2.30 score 4 stars 2 scriptsrearcut - Constrained Triangulation of Polygons by 'Ear Clipping/Cutting'
Constrained triangulation of polygons implemented by the 'Mapbox' 'Javascript' library 'earcut'.
Last updated 7 years ago
2.30 score 4 stars 4 scriptssvgplotr - Fast plots of svg graphics in R
What the package does (one paragraph).
Last updated 7 years ago
2.30 score 4 stars 1 scriptsgranulated - Define Rectangular Regions with Granularity
A granule is a rectangular extent with an implied discretization. The default granularity is 1x1, the range is a whole divisor of itself. This is the general concept of a raster, a rectangular window with discretization. The common extent or bounding box concept can be thought of as the degenerate case (1x1).
Last updated 3 years ago
2.18 score 3 stars 1 scriptsplover - What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
Point in polygon.
Last updated 3 years ago
2.00 score 2 stars 1 scriptsvtkr - Read a Limited Subset of Visualization Toolkit Formats
Read some VTK formats. VTK is the Visualization Toolkit <>.
Last updated 5 years ago
2.30 score 4 stars 3 scriptsscdb - Database Backend for Common Form Data
Creates a database backend from `silicate` data.
Last updated 6 years ago
2.22 score 3 stars 11 scriptswince - Write NetCDF Files for the Obvious Situations
Create a 3D 'NetCDF' with time or depth as the third dimension, and convention-conforming coordinate system metadata. Eventually we'll set this up to write slice by slice which is easy once the file is instantiated, but atm it's purely an experiment. We might include capability to create 4D ones too.
Last updated 2 years ago
2.18 score 3 stars 3 scriptsactivate - Activate to Determine the Context of Subsequent Manipulations
A simple context-controlling mechanism to 'activate' a named sub-entity in an object. The generic functions are provided with bare default methods. It is expected that other packages will import the generic and specialize it.
Last updated 7 years ago
2.18 score 1 stars 1 dependents 3 scriptscdt - What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
What the package does (one paragraph).
Last updated 7 years ago
2.08 score 2 stars 12 scriptspfft - What the Package Does (one line, title case)
What the package does (one paragraph).
Last updated 6 years ago
2.00 score 2 stars 3 scriptsfutility - Helpers for the 'GDAL' Application Utility Libraries
Helpful wrappers around the GDAL utilities, for now via the 'sf' package.
Last updated 2 years ago
1.70 score 6 scripts 159 downloadsxplot - What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
What the package does (one paragraph).
Last updated 2 years ago
1.70 score 1 scriptsgridcol - Gridded Vectors
Vectors for cell indexes from raster grids.
Last updated 7 years ago
1.70 score 1 stars 3 scriptstidyff - Create Native raster Files With ff
Couplings between raster and ff files.
Last updated 8 years ago
1.70 score 1 stars 6 scriptsCMIP5files - What the Package Does (one line, title case)
What the package does (one paragraph).
Last updated 9 years ago
1.70 scoremesh3d - What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
What the package does (one paragraph).
Last updated 3 years ago
1.00 score 1 scriptscells - Grid Logic
Grid logic for rasters. Grid logic involves a rectangular extent and a 'grain', the discretization of that extent into rectangular cells. This logic exists in several packages but here is intended to be completely independent of data usage.
Last updated 4 years ago
1.00 score 1 stars 6 scripts